July 27, 2024
Product Information Management Software

Product Information Management Software: Getting the Most Out of Your Product Data with PIM Software

Streamline and Centralize Product Information

Product information management (PIM) One of the biggest challenges that companies face is keeping accurate and consistent product information across multiple channels. With products listed on websites, marketplaces, mobile apps, and more, it’s difficult to ensure all product details, descriptions, images, specifications and other critical data remain in sync. This is where product information management (PIM) software helps solve this challenge. PIM centralizes all product content in one place so it can be easily accessed, managed and distributed to wherever it needs to be seen by customers.

Instead of having product information stored in different CMS’s, spreadsheets and documents, a Product information management (PIM) collects all relevant data into a single database. This centralized product repository brings organization and structure to what was likely an disorganized mess previously. Now marketers, merchants and other teams have a single source of truth for finding any attribute related to a product. No more guessing which version is correct or up-to-date when information gets out of sync between channels.

Beyond just centralization, advanced PIMs offer robust content management tools. Users can mass upload products and associated files, as well as edit information in bulk. Attributes like names, descriptions, prices and images can be modified for all applicable products at once with a few clicks. Complex data schemas and product hierarchies are also supported to accommodate large catalogs with variations, bundles and assembled goods. Robust workflow and approval processes ensure consistency and accuracy before new or updated content goes live.

Streamline Product Distribution and Syndication

Once product information is neatly organized and managed within the central PIM database, the next challenge is distributing it wherever it needs to appear online and in other sale channels. This is where the syndication capabilities of a PIM prove extremely valuable for multi-channel retailers and brands.

Out-of-the-box connectors exist for the most common destinations like Amazon, eBay, Google Shopping and other marketplaces and shopping portals. A PIM can automatically push new or changed product listings to these sales channels with only a few clicks. This fully automates and eliminates manual, error-prone re-entry of product content that would otherwise slow time to market and chance introduction of mistakes.

For custom integrations, PIMs provide robust APIs that allow developers to connect to even more specialized systems. Product sheets, images and other assets can be delivered programmatically to order management, ERP, CRM or other business systems. This results in a seamless, automated flow of consistent product data throughout any technology ecosystem.

Empower Marketing with Flexible Product Content

Beyond the logistical and operational uses of PIM software, these systems have much to offer for content marketers and merchandisers as well. The centralized product database becomes a workspace for developing detailed, optimized product pages and other marketing collateral.

Sophisticated content models support long form description copy alongside related/additional information like specifications tables, video embeds, ratings/reviews and more. Template-based field configurations give control over what data elements display where for different audience or device types. This results in appropriately tailored product pages for websites, mobile apps, emails and other touchpoints.

Rich content editing brings the power of a full-featured CMS directly into the PIM. Tools for formatting text, inserting images and other multimedia create compelling stories to sell products. Attributes even support marketing-specific fields like call-to-action buttons, related/recommended products, and auto-generated promotional badges. AI-powered services from major PIM vendors also suggest related keywords, categories and optimized copy for higher search visibility and conversion rates.

Search and merchandising capabilities let product marketers showcase must-have items, seasonal deals and new arrivals. Flexible faceted navigation and filters maintain browse-ability as catalogs grow to massive size. Well-designed product information paired with intelligent search/merchandising makes for engaging, optimized customer experiences across all digital channels.

Deliver Superior Omnichannel Experiences

the lines between online and in-store shopping continue blurring as customers fluidly research on websites but prefer completing purchases using other methods. A true omnichannel experience requires consistent, accurate product information flows seamlessly across all points of interaction with customers.

Product information management software provides the foundation to enable this by keeping all marketing content, contracts and operational details tightly synchronized. Customers get the same great experience whether browsing desktop or glancing at mobile in aisle. Sales associates reference the most recent and correct information to help customers. Orders fulfilled promptly due to real-time inventory status syncing mobile to warehouse.

Advanced omnichannel PIMs take this further, centralizing point-of-sale and order management alongside traditionally front-end focused product content. Now complete order histories, in-store pickup/return statuses mirror for fully cross-channel support. Shoppers enjoy a holistic view into their purchase journeys, building loyalty through convenience across channels. Associates close more sales with full customer profiles and purchase insights at their fingertips.

Maximize ROIs with Product Information Management

For most companies, disorganized product data limits sales potential across channels while significantly driving costs. By centralizing information management to fuel seamless digital experiences, a well-implemented product information management software quickly delivers substantial returns.

Going from mistakes and rework due to outdated records, PIM automation saves enormous time and labor. Self-service interfaces empower diverse teams with workflow-guided access. Analytics provide visibility to optimize marketing spend behind top converting assets. Automated syndication accelerates market expansion by months versus custom integrations.

Conversion and average order value lift as omnichannel shoppers enjoy consistent, compelling experiences everywhere. Customers enjoy the convenience of in-store support backed by complete purchase histories accessed digitally. Sales associates close more with real-time multichannel insights. Regional managers optimize inventory placement using correlated web/store behaviors.

In Summary, PIM transforms isolated product programs into cohesive omnichannel strategies that drive new customers, higher spend and greater retention across every business unit. By gaining control of content and deriving more ROI from marketing investments, companies maximized profits through an optimized product information management solution.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it